Paying for your Cleaning

We have a number of methods by which we accept payment for cleaning.

You can pay by Debit/Credit Card - using the payment form below, Cheque, Bank Transfer or Cash.





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If you are not in when we visit and you would like to pay by cheque please post your payment to the following address:


22, Hill Road, Oakley, Basingstoke, Hants. RG23 7HR

Made payable to 'OAKLEY CLEANING'.

If you prefer to pay by bank transfer/BACS please use the following banking details, using the first line of your address as reference.

Account name 'OAKLEY CLEANING'.

Account number '11843587'.

Sort-Code '09-01-56'.

Oakley Cleaning - Pressure Washing in Basingstoke

Office: ‌01256 782060 – Free: ‌0800 6696395 – Mob: ‌07944 431670

Pressure Washing in Basingstoke